Sensual Dolls

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Tag Exchanges

This is a concept we came up with to get other tag artists to participate and share their creativity with all of us. It is a fun way to get people to notice your talent and is a sure way to get more 'hits' to your website. ^-~

A 'Tag Exchange' works like a link exchange, only buttons and banners are not involved. Please read the list of rules we have set up. And if you're interested, send us your info. You may chose to exchange with Renee or Karla.

Tag Exchange Rules

1. You must be a tag maker/artist

2. You must have some type of website (domain, hosted, group, forum)

3. You must place our tag on a 'Tag Exchange' page

4. Tag must be linked back to Sensual Dolls *we will check*

5. Do not alter our tag in any way

6. The tag can be any style you'd like (AC, dolls, fantasy...etc).

7. Tag size will be determined at a later time. But please, do not make huge tags. We'd like to be "dial-up" user friendly.

8. Your tag must have a visible 'Tag Exchange' watermark.

Interested? Then email us! ^-^

Contact Renee here or Contact Karla here

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All content on this website may not be used without proper credit and should not be redistributed.